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Home > Paint a rosy picture of in a sentence

Paint a rosy picture of in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2019-11-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: paint a picturemental picturecome into the picturepicturepicturedpicturespicturesquepicture tube
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1. He painted a rosy picture of family life.
2. She painted a rosy picture of the firm's future.
3. Letters to relatives in Europe painted a rosy picture of life in the United States.
4. She painted a rosy picture of their life together in Italy .
5. EXAMPLE: Our optimistic sales manager tired to paint a rosy picture of the company's troubled economic condition by saying that we hadn't lost as much money as we feared we would.
More similar words: paint a picturemental picturecome into the picturepicturepicturedpicturespicturesquepicture tubeget the pictureword picturepicture bookpicture framepicture planepicturesquelymoving picturepicture-perfectout of the picturemotion picturepicture windowpicture gallerypicture takingwedding picturepicturesquenesspicture postcardin the nature ofin the nature of thingspicturingstricturestricturedneurosyphilis
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